A New Year With Much Promise

So, here we are in 2013. Honestly, if I survive another apocalypse, I’m going to add “Apocalypse Survival Consultant” to my resumé. It’s getting a bit old hat by now, don’t you think?

Apocalypse Again?!


But, while apocalypses pass us by, the rest of life remains to keep us busy – and busy I have been! Sadly, not all of my energy has gone into my writing, but here’s a little update on what’s going on in that arena.

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On Frostwalker, Editors, and Architects

A bit of a ramble here. Bear with me…

One of the questions I get asked a lot lately is “When is Frostwalker coming out?”

The answer is usually “Soon, Mom. Jeez! Stop buggin’ me about it!”

Back in early January, the plan had been to do one last line-by-line edit of the manuscript. After that, it would be a few adjustments to scenes for pacing and then maybe one last round of beta-readers before release, maybe in March if things came together nicely.

Now, I’ve had the great fortune to have some very talented beta-readers. Not just their talents, but the mix of talents as well. Some were eagle-eyed typo hunters. Others weren’t into grammar and spelling, but they had an eye for details. Between the various beta-readers and my own line edit, Frostwalker was in pretty good shape – I thought. Continue reading